[5/21/2024] - First Blog!! Mostly About the Site

wowee!! finally got pretty much everything with the site in order.
I'll make the projects page tomorrow, but besides that everything is finally done.
pretty proud of myself! even after having to fully remake the site 3 times cause i have no idea how to code its actually in a pretty solid state (the code is still EVIL though).
I think i'm gonna try to write at least 1 blog a week? that seems pretty reasonable, and i'm sure i'll have some bullshit to talk about
I got inspired from my youtube recommended showing me a bunch of people vlogging using an old camcorder.
It just seemed like a super fun thing to do, and i remembered the 3ds had a super shitty camera so i figured. why not.
Ideally I'll actually vlog something interesting happening instead of just me sitting in one place, but we'll see.
for vlogs and misc projects, i think those'll just come out whenever i feel like it. yeah!

i started making a couple of blogs around the time i started working on the site, but ough.
they were a bit too much like a diary, and i realized i actually probably didn't need to put all of that out there.
like. I'm pretty fine with sharing some vent stuff here, but MAN it was just a bit too much.
That's why there's some older vlogs, but no older blogs.
I'm doing better mentally now then i was when i wrote all that, so yay.

This site's been a bit of a time sink (though god knows I need something to keep my occupied so i don't just rot away), but now that everythings put together i think it'l be easier.
Its been super fufilling though!
It feels really good seeing this shitty little thing take form. I've shown a couple of friends the finished homepage and its had a solid reception so far.
I've also been finally drawing a bunch more! I kind of just. didn't for at least 1/2 a year, besides little tiny things.
its been mostly just pen/pencil and paper, though. I've been kinda frustrated with digital art recently. Feels like i can't quite capture the energy my physical stuff has.
idk, I also only have like a really tiny wacom pad, so. that could be the problem.
ALSO i've actually started working on Bomb Head!!! I've been making a little sort of pitch document/bible for it.
I figured that'd be a good way to fully solidify the world before i actually work on it, PLUS its an easy way to show other people.
that'll hopefully be done in a couple weeks? Depends on if I do the Drawings digitally but also that sounds like hell, so who knows.

i think that's it? Next one might be a bit more organized thought wise, maybe I'll have a topic to talk about instead of whatever's on my mind. anyways! seeya, love you <3