[6/22/2024] - what the hell time flies by too fast

ough. Like a month and 1 day since the last blog, whoopsies.
Probably wont update the site all too much, but i feel like i should write something more than once a month.

Been super busy!! School wrapped up for the term, so I'm back at my parent's house, and had to move pretty much all of my belongings.
Then also just hanging out with friends and all that. Doing activities. Up to mischief.
Finally have time to myself to just do nothing again, and god it feels nice.
Like don't get me wrong doing stuff is awesome, but I have been so mentally and physically
drained. just ough. I can play video games again though!! and work on this!! and draw!! YIPPEE!!!! yay!!

tried to record another vlog in the (moving) car, and oh my god i thought the 3ds would filter SOME of the car noise out, but no.
It was just straight up unuseable, so. womp womp. Finally actually have a car though!! like its fully mine instead of being shared.

Watched the entirety of season 1 of the simpsons, that could be a fun little thing to write about for a future blog.
Maybe a room tour once everything is situated perhaps.... oh shit actually that could be a vlog. Yeah I'll probably do that.
Right now im looking for a job. hoping to god i can get more than minimum wage with decent hours, but god knows ill have to take what i can get.
will NOT be returning to Target at the very least. that place was kinda hellish. Wouldn't reccomend.

Work on Bombhead was going super well, lost a bit of steam but I think I can at least get the little pitch document/bible done.
I'll for sure make the projects/my creations page if I finish that. I don't think that'l be difficult at all to make, I'm just lazy.

ALSO I went to IKEA with my friend and got a little alien guy his name is greebo.
the little one is also greebo. theyre wonderful methinks.

seeya next time!
