[9/7/2024] - wow im bad at this

really thought i had more then two of these entries in here by now?? what the heelll

I've been good at least. Got a job, went on 3 (three!!) dates. Just haven't really touched the site much.
Have NOT fucked yet, but i absolutley will have a vlog IMMEDIATLEY afterwards if it happens. I promise.
First date went okay, but we both haven't spoken for 2 months, so. Second one was. blehhh, and I had to very awkwardly
decline a kiss. Third one ended up with me getting hickeys for the first time and then a week later we dry humped in
my car for a couple hours, so that one went well imo.

I work as a dishwasher at Mcmenamins, and god its kinda hell if im gonna be honest. Like sometimes its fine, but its just.
I will NOT be a dishwasher again. I found out that the servers get paid more, have to work less, and get 5x as much tip as me like.
man. I don't mean to be up on my high horse but i absolutley work the most out of everyone on shift-
more than half the days I do not have the time to stop working for even a minute.
Its such a demotivating job also, every time you think you've gotten through the dishes theres a massive cart of them.
Also I'm a closer so i almost always have to stay 30-60 mins later then im supposed to.

my two weeks were put in one week ago :]

I played through Hypnospace Outlaw!! Started it a while ago but never finished, and decided to just restart. woah.
Probably one of my favorite pieces of media ever?? It really got me thinking about why i made this site to begin with.
Besides the thought that it could be fun, and just something to do, i really enjoy the thought of being seen, perhaps.
The idea that I've put something out there, and some random person might come across it,
learning all this information about me, and then just. going on.
They might not ever think about me again. But somewhere I'm in their head.

Hypnospace also has a lot of alternate history lore, and I really find that sorta stuff fascinating. Its just. Man.
Definetley not a game for everyone but god i love it so much, Dreamsettler is easily my most anticipated game.
(Slayers X is like. ok. I like Zane at least just the gameplay isn't as much for me)

Theres just. so much stuff in that game. So much little storylines- many of them not particularly going anywhere, but god
it just feels so real, y'know? I've explored so many real websites that have shit like that. Little threads of peoples
lives that never really get resolved, but thats life!! and theres so many you can't really be upset. LOVE THAT GAME!!!

I also got a dreamcast!! sold a buncha old stuff and found a good deal with some games, PLUS i got Seaman!!!
On day 2 now- I'm gonna try to play it as intended. Checking in every single day, not skipping, all that.
Really fascinating game. I have tought one to speak, and it immediatley called me stupid.
I called it a freak, and it got pissed off at me and then the mic would not register whenever i tried to say sorry.
Good Game

I really do wanna write more on here, and work on the site more in general, I think i just have a hard time forming a habit.
Hopefully there will be more!! ideally I'll finally write about the simpsons like i said i would.
who knows, man. going back to school in less than a month, so. maybe ill have more time.

seeya next time
love jamers!!!